it’s official: half of us are crazy

We are officially crazy, well at least 50% of us are.

Have you seen the ad during mental health week, on the ABC TV that said “1 in 2 Australians will suffer from mental illness during their life time?” It only lasted about a week before it was taken off.
Who in hell decided this percentage? Was it someone who is supposed to be sane? or did they have a committee of ‘learned people’ who decided on who has mental problems and who doesn’t. Remember a camel is a horse designed by a committee.

If 1 in 2 of all Australians suffer from mental illness, then logic would dictate that half the committee have a problem, that’s 1 in every 2 psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, politicians, government officials, you name the professions and half the people you talk to are crazy, that’s if your not the one.

I understand the ad was to promote ‘Mental Health Week’. It is designed to help people reach out, seek help and bring awareness to the issues. I guess they are hoping people who are mentally unbalanced will seek help if they have a mental problem, but then who are they going to ask for help at least half of who they ask will also be looking for help.

These type of statistics are a joke;  they send the wrong message out. Imagine you are a teenager sitting at home watching this ad –  do you look at your parents and wonder which one is crazy or do you think you might be the one?

I believe we are all insane. I don’t ‘think’ 50% have a mental problem. I believe 99% of us have one. Just take a quick look at the world we live in. We have pretty much in my lifetime screwed up every part of this planet. Our quality of life is being slowly eroded away. Continue reading

Meditation half day seminar

A half day Meditation course, Sunday 12th October 2014
at Xtrahsand-stonesealth Wellness Clinic.
14 Cassia Drive, Varsity Lakes  Gold Coast
Fee $45
For Bookings call 07 5522 0505
Also we will be having an online seminar on Google hangouts for people who would like assistance healing and learning to relax and meditate.
for more info email:


here is a gentle loving meditation that I often use in my meditation classes. It is a graceful and loving way to connect with the Divine Presence.

Opening the Heart field with the Golden light of love.
This guided meditation may be done either sitting up or lying down. It can be done within 10 minutes if you so wish. You may record it, if you have no one to take you through the process. It can have a profound effect on reconnecting you to your own personal sense of the Divine. Blessings and loving kindness to all beings.

We begin by taking some gentle breaths in and slowly out. With each breath out we let go of the old tired energy/qi. And with each breath in we give ourselves permission to relax, let go and accept all that is.
Let the breath take you deeper and deeper as you give yourself permission to let go and relax. Feel this wave of relaxation move from the top of your head to the tip of your toes.
Each breath gives you permission to relax, unwind, let go and let be.

With your next breath in start to see or experience a golden ball of light floating above your head, a glowing sun of beauty and brilliance. This bright light flows from the core of all existence. It is the center of the entire universe, sparkling gold.

Feel this light entering you mind and filling each cell with this golden light. Each cell starts to radiate this light; each cell has a smile on its face. This light is the light of Divine joy, happiness, love and profound inner peace.

As this ball of light fills the mind and nervous system it begins its journey down into the heart. As it slowly descends it relaxes every part of the body that becomes covered in its brilliant light.

Each breath in brings the light to the spiritual heart and each breath out releases the blocks that in the past would have been holding this light from entering.
With your next breath in, see and feel the golden light fully entering the spiritual heart. The light fully embraces all aspects of the Divine heart field of love, compassion and light.

You can feel the light in the heart radiate out into every cell. The blood cells carry this wonderful light out into every organ, muscle, nerve fiber in the body/mind complex. The breath continues to draw in this cosmic light and release any old tired stuck areas.

As your body is filled with this golden light you feel yourself becoming lighter and lighter. You are lifting up, floating free and starting to walk on a golden arch that leads to a huge circle of light at the edge of the Universe.

This circle of white light calls you and as you move towards it, it also moves towards you. The light radiates out filling the whole universe and everything within it. You are filled with a loving, peaceful joyous light and you are able to immerse yourself into this Divine presence.

So for a few moments allow yourself to just sink into this living loving presence. This is the heart of the Divine. This is where all healing can occur, where all peace resides. In this brilliant presence you are able to fully rest knowing you are held and lovingly support by the Divine indwelling Presence.

You are in the heart of Divine Presence and Presence is within your heart
You and the Divine are One.

When you are ready to come back just take a deep breath, count to 3, open your eyes, be wide awake, refreshed, renew and reconnected.

Why Meditate?

I have been meditating for over 40 years. In fact I am addicted to sitting still for an hour and completely letting go into the moment.  It brings me great peace and a quiet mind.
I first started meditating because I had gone through a messy divorce (emotionally) and I wanted to get rid of the suffering and pain I was feeling. I started with the simple technique of watching my breath and allowing the pain to surface. It was very uncomfortable in the beginning to just “let it be” but the more I breathed into my pain the more it dissolved and the lightness of peace appeared.
I recognised that all my suffering was from my busy mind. My thoughts kept going over the past trying to get rid of the pain but that just seemed to cause more pain.

In Ancient Chinese wisdom of the Tao, it says that “from the One(ness) comes the two (yin/yang) and from the two comes the three and from the three comes the 10 thousand things.” This is a description of how our minds create the world.

Mandala by Robert kendall

lotus pad meditation

Quantum science now tells us that it is our thoughts that create the 3rd dimension, our world is made up of our thoughts, what they call our ‘personal perceptual bias’.

At 11 billion plus thoughts a second (right brain) we are creating our reality in the torsion field of our total consciousness. And only 7 to 12 thoughts a second are being picked up by our conscious linear thinking left brain. Continue reading

Money as a gateway to the Divine Self

Hi Everyone

Wow where does the time go? It has been a couple of weeks since my last blog on letting go.  This blog has taken longer than normal to finish.

I have really had enough, I am over it, I am tired of listening to all the talk about money. Money money, money, that’s all I hear people talk about. The world is obsessed with getting money and making big profits. We dig up the environment for money, we go to work in jobs we don’t like, we spend our whole lives struggling to find money and to do what? Spend it on what?

I have come to realise how rich the study of money can be when we use it as a spiritual pathway to Higher Consciousness. Making money, money ethics, giving money, manifesting money, money as bad or good or money as grace.
If you are really honest and trace your need for money back within you, behind the need, you will realise that desire for money is just a means to an end.

Behind all our needs is our basic need to feel safe and happy. Think about what you do with your money, what do you save it for? Behind all our desires is our great need to find inner peace and love. Yes we do it, all that ‘money grabbing’, to feel free safe and happy.flower_of_lifeweb Continue reading

Letting Go 3 The path of Surrender

How To Let Go by Robert Kendall

“Letting Go is a simple method to reach great clarity and transcend your problems.
The way is not by finding the answers but by undoing the basis of the problem. The state reached by the great masters is available, the solutions are within us and easy to find.”
(Dr David Hawkins)

This article follows on from my two previous blogs on Letting Go – the path of surrender. Here I discuss how to let go our damaging, negative emotions and the stresses that accompany them.

You may use this practice  to reduce any distress or dysfunction, increase well-being and support a spiritual practice. It will take you on the path of Awakening. As you let go you may develop more joy, happiness, inner strength, clarity, inner peace, caring and insightful qualities within your own mind and nervous system. This will, in turn, begin to resolve or dissolve the difficulties that you might be experiencing  along your path, in your outer life with relationships, health and prosperity .

Research is now showing that long term chronic stress can shorten a person’s life by 9 to 14 years. It seems our genes have a direct link to our emotional brain.  Under stress genes that hold the patterns of disease will be switched on while the genes for immunity etc get suppressed. And when we are peaceful then the reverse occurs. Our genes hold the electrical DNA blueprint that life energy flows through.

Some stress is good for you, such as sports stress or getting out of the way of a Mac truck while crossing the road stress.
The problem is not with having stress, but how long we have had it. What do we do with all that emotional energy swirling around within our nervous system, brain and body parts? Continue reading

“Letting Go” Seminar

“Letting Go” of the internal Saboteur
by Robert Kendall B.AC Dip.Med.Herb mAACMA

This isn’t the part 3  of my Letting Go blogs, that is still to come. Shauna and I are giving a seminar on the Letting process on Saturday 19th July. So we wanted to send out the information for everyone to register.  Below is an article I wrote for our necanyon_man_1[1]wsletter at Xtrahealth Clinic.

I am often asked “how do I change and break the negative patterns that make me sick or tied or fat or lazy or anxious. What can I do to heal my body and bring peace to my mind?”

My answer is simple ‘Let go’ your stress, let go your worries, let go your negative emotions. I know this sounds too easy and we all know how hard it can be to face up to our internal fears and negative stresses.

Research has shown that we pick up 50% of our basic habits and attitudes by the age of 4; we pick up another 30% by the age of 8 and 10% more by the age of 14 years old. By 14 we have 90% of our basic habits and belief systems in place. We then spend the rest of our lives trying to figure them out and change them.

Do you know that the word ‘personality’ comes from the Greek word ‘persona’? In the ancient Greek theatre the actors used the happy and sad masks to portray what emotion they would be acting in. So if you have a great personality you have a great mask. We all have masks built up from early childhood and research is now showing that even our time in the womb and birthing experiences are the first energy blueprints laid down in our bodyminds. Continue reading